PakistanPakistan does conjure up thoughts of military coups, political assassinations, political instability, Islamic extremists, suicide …
PolandLocated in Central Europe, Poland has a long history and is rich in traditions but …
IrelandIreland; a small country that gained independence from Britain in 1921, that comes with a …
SloveniaSlovenia was once part of Yogoslavia, but managed to avoid much of the trouble that …
SwedenQuite amazingly, Sweden is twice the size of the United Kingdom, yet has less than …
WalesWales is one of the countries that make up the United Kingdom. Rich in history …
BeneluxBenelux is an economic union comprised of Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg which predates the EU. …
JordanJordan, located on the banks of the Jordan River (and the saline Dead Sea) has …
DenmarkDenmark was once the seat of Viking raiders and later a major north European power, …
OmanLocated near the strategically important Gulf of Oman - with two exclaves separated from it by …