PolandLocated in Central Europe, Poland has a long history and is rich in traditions but …
GermanyGermany (Deutschland to the locals) is one of the largest countries in Europe and officially …
SingaporeSingapore is a city-state in Southeast Asia. Founded as a British trading colony in 1819, …
IrelandIreland; a small country that gained independence from Britain in 1921, that comes with a …
EnglandEngland has a deep-rooted history that they are proud of and it radiates from its …
JapanThe "Land of the Rising Sun" is a country where the past meets the future. …
United States of America – The Lower 48 StatesThe United States is not the America of television and the movies. It is large, …
GreeceIn recent times Greece may have been making headlines in the financial news, but it’s …
ScotlandScotland is a beautiful country well-known for its dramatic scenery of mountains and valleys, rolling …
AustraliaAustralia is a vast country (the 6th largest; about the size of mainland United States) …