United States of America – The Lower 48 StatesThe United States is not the America of television and the movies. It is large, …
EgyptEgypt is perhaps best known as the home of the ancient Egyptian civilization, with its …
SloveniaSlovenia was once part of Yogoslavia, but managed to avoid much of the trouble that …
DenmarkDenmark was once the seat of Viking raiders and later a major north European power, …
SyriaIt is not advisable that you visit Syria while the Civil War, that begun after …
CambodiaThe Kingdom of Cambodia in central Southeast Asia maybe a relatively small country, but it …
BeneluxBenelux is an economic union comprised of Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg which predates the EU. …
South KoreaDivided by the demilitarized zone after the Korean War which came to a halt in …
PakistanPakistan does conjure up thoughts of military coups, political assassinations, political instability, Islamic extremists, suicide …
FranceFrance, a country in western Europe of some 67 million people is easily the most …