AustraliaAustralia is a vast country (the 6th largest; about the size of mainland United States) …
ItalyLocated in Southern Europe, along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea and bordered in the …
DenmarkDenmark was once the seat of Viking raiders and later a major north European power, …
ChinaChina is a huge country with the world’s largest population and throughout the roughly 5000-years of …
SingaporeSingapore is a city-state in Southeast Asia. Founded as a British trading colony in 1819, …
Czech RepublicThe Czech Republic is not a large country but has a rich and eventful history. …
TurkeyTurkey offers a wealth of destination varieties to travellers: from dome-and-minaret filled skyline of Istanbul …
JordanJordan, located on the banks of the Jordan River (and the saline Dead Sea) has …
United Arab Emirates – Abu Dhabi and DubaiThe United Arab Emirates, often referred to as the U.A.E, is a federation of seven …
EgyptEgypt is perhaps best known as the home of the ancient Egyptian civilization, with its …