SloveniaSlovenia was once part of Yogoslavia, but managed to avoid much of the trouble that …
PolandLocated in Central Europe, Poland has a long history and is rich in traditions but …
ChinaChina is a huge country with the world’s largest population and throughout the roughly 5000-years of …
SpainSpain (España to the locals) shares the Iberian Peninsula with Portugal at the western end …
ScotlandScotland is a beautiful country well-known for its dramatic scenery of mountains and valleys, rolling …
JordanJordan, located on the banks of the Jordan River (and the saline Dead Sea) has …
United States of America – The Lower 48 StatesThe United States is not the America of television and the movies. It is large, …
CambodiaThe Kingdom of Cambodia in central Southeast Asia maybe a relatively small country, but it …
SwedenQuite amazingly, Sweden is twice the size of the United Kingdom, yet has less than …
JapanThe "Land of the Rising Sun" is a country where the past meets the future. …